Article on unique electron-transport compounds with bio-inspired crosstalk by our consortium member Kirill Monakhov

The group of Kirill Monakhov (IOM, Leipzig) in collaboration with the Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), the Quantum Chemistry Group of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), and colleagues from the University of Leipzig discovers unique electron-transport compounds with bio-inspired crosstalk. Read more…

New RCS book chapter on Solid-state NMR spectroscopy and DNP by HYP*MOL member Thomas Wiegand

The Wiegand lab recently contributed a chapter with the title “Solid-state NMR spectroscopy and dynamic nuclear polarization” to the book “Integrated Structural Biology”, which has just been accepted for publication at RCS. Several aspects of solid-state NMR and DNP, including recent advances and applications to integrated structural biology are discussed. Read more…

26 Mar – 01 Apr ’23: Summer school “Theory of NMR” – Relaxation [EXPIRED]

The school (Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba, 40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) is the second in a cycle of four schools and will be dedicated to Relaxation: Basics of NMR, basic quantum mechanics, Hamiltonians, Liouville space and super operators, Redfield theory, correlation functions and spectral density functions, relaxation pathways, relaxation mechanisms, Read more…