Talk by Christian Wiebeler on „Molecular Dynamics and Computational Spectroscopy for Systems in Soft Condensed Phases“

MAIN, Seminarraum C50.001-002 Rosenbergstraße 6, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany

HYP*MOL project leader Christian Wiebeler (project B6) will be speaking as a guest at the working group seminar “Theory, modeling, simulation” on May 29, at 9:15. The talk will be held as part of the Chemnitz theorists' seminar with Prof. Sibylle Gemming ("Theorie, Modellierung, Simulation"), and it can be attended online or MAIN, Seminarraum Read more…

Double HYP*MOL colloquium with Daniel Häussinger and John Berry

Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy Johannisallee 29, Leipzig, Germany

On June 7, 2024, the HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place in Leipzig with a double presentation. At 1 pm, Prof. Dr. Daniel Häußinger (Department of Chemistry, University of Basel) will speak about lanthanoid tags and their path from intrinsic susceptibility tensors to applications, followed at 2 pm by John Berry Read more…

Information Management Best Practices


Jan Haas and Martin Gaedke will give a hybrid workshop on new useful tools starting at 3 pm. They will talk about Confluence and how to use it properly from around 4 pm. We will discuss best practices for information management, using the TU Chemnitz information infrastructure as an example to illustrate Read more…

JCF Leipzig: Three Minute Thesis 2024

Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy Johannisallee 29, Leipzig, Germany

On 3 July 2024, the Young Chemists' Forum Leipzig is once again organising its 3-Minute-Thesis event, where doctoral and Master's students can present their thesis in a creative way with 1 slide within 180 seconds and even win something. The time has come! In cooperation with the institute for non-classical Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Johannes F. Teichert + network barbecue afterwards

Chemnitz University of Technology Reichenhainer Str. 90, Chemnitz, Saxony

On July 5, 2024, the HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place in Chemnitz (Reichenhainer Straße 90, room N113) at noon. Prof. Dr. Johannes F. Teichert (Chemistry University of Technology, Organic Chemistry) will talk about Neutral homoaromatic hydrocarbons as potential chiroptical switches. Coffee and sandwiches will be available before. Everyone is welcome! The lecture and discussion will Read more…

iRTG Summer School in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad)

Hotel Hubertus, Karlsbad Mattoniho nábř. 1193, 360 01 Karlovy Vary 1, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

TO BRING ALONG: Laptop, secondment certificate (= "A1 form"), something to write, hiking boots (+ mosquito spray, sun protection, ...). In the week from 19 to 23 August, the doctoral students of the TRR HYP*MOL and other project members will travel to Karlovy Vary (Hotel Hubertus) in the Czech Republic for Read more…

Equality & Diversity Workshop with the participation of various joint projects

Leipzig Leipzig, Germany

In an earlier version of the article, Prof. Salvan's first lecture was scheduled for 18 October. However, it will take place on 16 October. The HYP*MOL (TRR386), (AC)³ (TRR172), ¹²³H (RTG 2721), FOR2857 and the SFB1423 pool their resources and organize a workshop series to advance the common goal of Read more…

HYP*MOL Colloquium with Birgit Weber

Chemnitz University of Technology Reichenhainer Str. 90, Chemnitz, Saxony

On 18 October, the 7th HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place at 13:00 with the 8th guest: This time we will welcome Birgit Weber from University of Jena. She will present us Switchable Molecules in Polymers and Anion Matrixes. The synthesis of multifunctional materials is generally considered an important step from Read more…

iRTG Training Course + HYP*MOL Status Meeting

Chemnitz University of Technology Reichenhainer Str. 90, Chemnitz, Saxony

As a preliminary grand finale to the first (full) HYP*MOL year 2024, a double event will take place in Chemnitz in the week of 4-8 November 2024. Initially, the HYP*MOL doctoral students and other project members will come together for a meeting of the iRTG (integrated research training group) and Read more…

Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen MDR-54

Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy Johannisallee 29, Leipzig, Germany

HYP*MOL spokesman Jörg Matysik is also the organizer of the so-called “Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen”, which takes place twice a year in Leipzig. On Monday, November 4, it’s that time again (start at 14:30, small lecture hall at Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Leipzig University, Johannisallee 29):   14.30 – 15:15 Uhr Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Robert Pal

Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy Johannisallee 29, Leipzig, Germany

For the last HYP*MOL Colloquium in 2024, we will once again welcome a renowned guest. Prof. Robert Pal from Durham will tell us "A tale of two halves: Recent Advancements in Circularly Polarised Luminescence and Light Activated Molecular Nanomachines for PDT". The event will take place on December 6 at 1 Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Guinevere Mathies

Chemnitz University of Technology Reichenhainer Str. 90, Chemnitz, Saxony

On January 10, 2025, the HYP*MOL year began with Dr. Guinevere Mathies from the University of Konstanz, who made a visit to Chemnitz University of Technology and gave a lecture on “Pushing the envelope of solid-state NMR: new methods, new applications”. Pulsed dynamic nuclear polarization Pulsed dynamic nuclear polarization All Read more…