
HYP*MOL kick-off meeting from 29 November to 2 December 2023 in Chemnitz

The first HYP*MOL meeting also served as a kick-off and was initially heralded with a ceremony in Chemnitz. The multi-day event was then used for project presentations, elections of the Managing Board and new members as well as for courses on awareness, good scientific practice and further topics. The project leaders, doctoral students, postdocs and other associated contributors got to know each other in detail in the lecture building and physics building at Chemnitz University of Technology. The consortium is looking forward to the coming years of fruitful collaboration.

Photo: Niklas Schindler


Our project leader Kirill Monakhov among IYCN mentors at the “Class of 2023”

Kirill Monakhov, HYP*MOL scientist in project A5, is among the mentors of the Class of 2023 of the International Younger Chemist Network “IYCN”. The Leipzig chemist from the Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM) is thus part of a group of 17 scientists from all over the world that “aims to connect chemists from all over the world and to support and prepare current PhD students in the chemical sciences to make informed career decisions.”

Photo: Christian Hüller


Leipzig Pre-Doc Awards for two HYP*MOL project leaders

The PreDoc Award at Leipzig University is a funding programme for young scientists in the pre-doctoral phase and post-docs for the supervision of prospective doctoral students. The two HYP*MOL project leaders Christina Lamers (Z2) and Georg Künze (A2 & B2), both from the Faculty of Medicine (Institute for Drug Discovery), are part of this year’s cohort of the Leipzig University PreDoc Award. Lamers is represented twice, since the PreDoc concepts of its two prospective doctoral students Tom Götze (Peptide dendrimers as innovative drug delivery systems) and Maximilian Hoffmann (Development of advanced complement inhibitors: A computational-experimental approach for the design of cyclic peptides to inhibit C5) have been accepted. On the other hand, Georg Künze’s prospective doctoral student Norbert Gräfe (Development of improved enzymes for PET degradation with the help of artificial intelligence) receives the aforementioned support.

Photo: Christian Hüller


8 Jan 2024: Workshop for (early career) female scientists at TU Chemnitz [EXPIRED]

On 8 January 2024, Chemnitz University of Technology hosts a workshop for (early career) female scientists with a focus on “My career development – individual assessment and self-reflection”. Dr Kathrin Carl will report between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on perspectives for professional steps after the doctorate or postdoctoral phase. At the event, questions such as “What do I bring with me?” and “Where am I drawn to?” are discussed. The page of the Centre for Equal Opportunities in Science and Research of the TU Chemnitz can be accessed via this link.


26 Feb – 27 Feb ’24: Advanced iRTG Course in Grimma [EXPIRED]

A two-day workshop for our HYP*MOL early career researchers will be held at Nimbschen Monastery near Grimma at the end of February. In addition to other items on the programme, there will be special introductory lectures and talks by the project leaders that are important for the scientific career path and an introduction to the topic of hyperpolarization.

On Monday, Georgeta Salvan will talk about the CISS effect, Jan Haas and Annika Morgenstern will present the collaboration platform Confluence and the electronic lab book eLabFTW respectively, and Lokesh Rasabathina will host a creative format on hyperpolarization-typical abbreviations.

On Tuesday, Christina Lamers will present the world of bioproteins, Björn Corzilius will introduce us to the DNP cosmos and a tour of the monastery and ruins will mark our cultural program.


10 Mar – 16 Mar ’24: Summer School III “Solid-state NMR” [EXPIRED]

There will be a summer school on Solid-state NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba (40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) from Sun/10 March (evening) to Sat/16 March (morning) 2024 supported by the ISMAR. The school is the third in a cycle of four schools and will be dedicated to Solid-state NMR.

Topics will be:

Basics of solid-state NMR, quantum mechanics, spin-interactions, tensors, Euler angles, static case, MAS, CP, instrumentation, decoupling, recoupling, operators, AHT, multidimensional experiments, molecular motion, polymers, quadrupolar nuclei, biomolecules, protons at high MAS and high field.

The programme can be accessed via this link.


20 Nov 2023: Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen MDR-52 [EXPIRED]

The Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen MDR-52 will take place on Nov 20, 2023 in the Small Lecture Hall of the Fakultät für Chemie & Mineralogie of the Universität Leipzig. Prof. Boris Fine (Leipzig University), Dr. Gleb Silantyev (Bruker-Biospin GmbH), Dr. Albert Smith-Penzel (Leipzig University) and Prof. Robert Bittl (FU Berlin) will give exciting talks on current developments in the field of magnetic resonance.


29 Nov – 2 Dec ’23: HYP*MOL Kickoff Meeting [EXPIRED]

Officially, the Collaborative Research Centre “Hyperpolarization in Molecular Systems” already started on 1 October, but such a large project deserves a ceremonial launch, which also and especially includes groundbreaking planning and decisions for the 1st funding period. This meeting at the TU Chemnitz will begin on 29 November with an opening event with invited guests and, among other highlights, a guided tour of the campus. The following days serve to present the HYP*MOL projects, to get to know the first doctoral students and to elect the TRR committees. The meeting, where international shining lights of hyperpolarization, including Mercator Fellows and International Advisors, will contribute their valuable expertise, will end on 2 December.


HYP*MOL has started!

The Collaborative Research Center Hyperpolarization in Molecular Systems started on October 1, 2023 and will run in the 1st funding period until June 30, 2027. The first doctoral students have already started their research. 13 scientific projects will bring extensive knowledge in the fields of magnetic resonance, spintronics and spin chemistry, supported by 4 central projects. A sophisticated network structure brings excellent synergy effects and already now the next ideas for the following projects.


HYP*MOL spokesperson Georgeta Salvan on Saxon delegation trip to Japan

The deputy spokesperson of TRR-386 HYP*MOL, Georgeta Salvan, was one of around 25 people who went on a delegation trip to Japan from 12 to 15 September 2023. With the Saxon State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, Martin Dulig, as the head of the group, the representatives from research, business and politics toured several Japanese innovation locations, including Tohoku University in Sendai. Salvan exchanged views on semiconductor research with their Japanese counterparts and presented new findings on spintronics. The complete report can be read under this link.

photo: Kristin Schmidt (SMWA)